Sammy Hagar net worth, Weight, Bio-Wiki, Kids, Wife, Age

Are you interested in Sammy Hagar? He is one of the youngest celebrities for many people. Here we have covered his biography. If you’re curious about Samuel Roy Hagar, you’ve come to the right place. We have added details about Samuel Roy Hagar net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s check.

Sammy Hagar Weight
Sammy Hagar Weight

Wiki Samuel Roy Hagar

The full name of this singer, guitarist, songwriter, musician and entrepreneur is Samuel Roy Hagar. People and his relatives often call him Sammy Hagar. His nationality is American by birth. His hometown is Salinas, California, USA. See the following table for more information.

Full Name/Birth Namesamuel roy hagar
famous nameSamy Hagar
Man WomanMale
OccupationSinger, guitarist, songwriter, musician and entrepreneur
Place of birthSalinas, California, United States
Date of birthOct 13, 47
Age as in [year]76 years old
Height(s) Feet5 feet and 10 inches
Height(s) cm178cm
Weight(s)80 kilograms
weight in pounds176 pounds
Dating storyTo update
Marital statusMarried
JointKarte Karte (d. 1995), Betsy Berardi (d. 19681994)
daughter and sonYes (Aaron Hagar, Samantha Hagar, Andrew Hagar, Kama Hagar)
Net worth$150 million

Sammy Hagar Age and Birth Information

Do you know how old Samuel Roy Hagar is? In this section, we have focused on birth-related information such as date of birth, place of birth, hometown, current location, etc. You can hear his birthday is 13-Oct-47. He is now 76 years old. According to our research, he was born in Salinas, California, United States.

Height and physical description of Sammy Hagar

The physical structure expresses the beauty of celebrities. We like to track and imitate our celebrities height, weight, hairstyle, eye color, clothes and almost everything. We can feel it. He’s almost 1.78m. Its weight is about 80 kg. The weight value can be changed at any time. We try to show the most recent.

Marital status and affairs of Sammy Hagar

Are you interested in the married life of Samuel Roy Hagar? People always show keen interest in the personal lives of all celebrities. To give an idea of ​​his marital status, affairs, hobbies and many other things, we have decorated this section. In this section we have added all his favorite personalities, things and other related information. Check the table below to know the marital life of your favorite person.

Sammy Hagar age
Sammy Hagar age

Sammy Hagar Net Worth and Salaries

Do you know the net worth of Sammy Hagar? What about his income? Salary and net worth are such values ​​which are always variable with time. To learn more about his net worth and salary, follow the table below. We have added controversies in this section. Sammy Hagar net worth is $150 million.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Sammy Hagar net worth?

    The net worth is $150 million.

  2. Is Sammy Hagar married?

    He is married.

  3. Where is Sammy Hagar’s birthplace?

    Sammy Hagar’s birthplace is Salinas, California, United States.

  4. What is Sammy Hagar’s job?

    He is a singer, guitarist, songwriter, musician and entrepreneur.

  5. How tall is Sammy Hagar?

    He is 1.78m tall.

This is the information you could look for regarding Samuel Roy Hagar Weight, Height, Age and Biography. All of this information will help you get to know the person. If you found something wrong, let us know through comments or by using our contact section. We are waiting for your opinion.

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