Are you interested in Rae Sremmurd? He is an emerging singer at present. In this part we write his biography. If you are interested in Rae Sremmurd, we can assure you that you will be happy visiting here. Here you will get the details of Rae Sremmurd net worth age, affairs, education, salary and many more information. Let’s move on to the next section.
Rae Sremmurd Wiki
This singer’s full name is Rae Sremmurd. The nickname is Slim Jxmmi. He has American nationality. This person’s hometown is Tupelo, Mississippi, USA. In the section below you will get more and more information.
Birth name | Rae Sremmurd |
Stage name | Thin Jxmmi |
Man Woman | Male |
Job | A singer |
Nationality | American |
Born in | Tupelo, Mississippi, USA |
Birthday | 29-Dec-91 |
Age as in 2023 | 30 years |
Zodiac | Capricorn |
Religion | Christian |
eye colors | Black |
Hair color | Black |
Heights | In Centimeters 175 cm In feet and inches 5 9 |
Mass | In Kilograms 66 Kg In pounds 146 pounds |
Name of the school | Tupelo High School |
Name of the university | We will update it soon |
relative | Father Bernadette Walker Mother N/A |
Brother and sister | Swae Lee, Michael Brown |
Marital status | Alone |
Business | No data available |
Spouse | Not available |
Children | Not available |
Net worth | $10 million |
Slim Jxmmi Age and Birth Information
Do you know Rae Sremmurd’s age? Birthday and information like place of birth, hometown, etc. were concentrated here. According to our research, the birthday is December 29, 1991. The current age is 30. He was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, USA.
- Place of birth : Tupelo, Mississippi, USA
- Date of Birth : 29-Dec-91
- Age in 2023: 30 years
- Birth sign: Capricorn
Rae Sremmurd Height and Physical Information
Some fans like to know the physical status of their favorite celebrities. We like to track and imitate our celebrities height, weight, hairstyle, eye color, clothes and almost everything. We know it. Slim Jxmmi’s height is In centimeters 175 cm, in feet and inches 5 9. His current weight is in kilograms 66 kg, in pounds 146 pounds. As the weight changes regularly, we put the current value.
- Heights : In centimeters 175 cm, in feet and inches 5 9
- Weight(s): In Kilograms 66 Kg, In Pounds 146 lbs
- Eye : Black
- Hair color : Black
Rae Sremmurd Personal Life and Girlfriend
Do you know who He’s covenanted with now? Some of his personal information has been presented here to quench your quest. We have tried to show you his hobbies, marital status, affairs and many other personal things. Here we will share some information about his favorite things and personalities. Her marital status is single.
- Parents : Father Bernadette Walker
Mother N/A - Brother and sister : Swae Lee, Michael Brown
- The school: Tupelo High School
- Name of the school : Tupelo High School
- Name of the university : We will update it soon
- Business: No data available
- Marital status : Alone
- In connection with : Not available
- Children : Not available
Rae Sremmurd Net Worth and Salary Information
What is Rae Sremmurd’s real net worth? How much is his salary? It should be noted that net worth and salary change over time. We have added controversies in this section. The total net worth of Rae Sremmurd is $10 million.
Rae Sremmurd’s Social Media
Follow Rae Sremmurd’s social media account
It all depends on Rae Sremmurd’s height, age, weight and biography. Having a precise idea about this celebrity all this information will help you. Do you find anything wrong with all of this? let us know through comments or by using our contact section. We are waiting for you.