Have you heard the name Lyrica Anderson? She is quite popular for young people at that time. In this part we write his biography. If you want to know more about Lyrica Anderson, we have good news for you. In the below section, you will get the details of Lyrica Anderson’s height, age, affairs, net worth and many more details. Let’s move on to the next section.
Wiki Lyrica Anderson
Lyrica Anderson is her real name. She also has a nickname and it is Lyrica Anderson. She has American nationality. The name of his hometown is Los Angeles, California, United States. Let check the section below to get more information.
Full name | Lyrica Anderson |
Nickname | Lyrica Anderson |
Man Woman | Female |
Occupation | Singer and songwriter |
Nationality | American |
Place of birth | Los Angeles, California, United States |
Birthday | 18-Dec-87 |
Age | 35 years |
Heights | 1.70m |
Heights in feet | 5 feet and 6 inches |
Heights in cm | 170cm |
lester | 67 kilograms |
weight in pounds | 147 pounds |
Dating story | To update |
Marital status | Married |
Joint | A1 Bentley (m, 2016) |
Son daughter | Yes (Ocean Zion Bentley) |
Salary | Not known |
Net worth | $10 million |
Lyrica Anderson Birth and Age Information
Are you curious about Lyrica Anderson’s age? We are going to include all the information related to his place of birth and his birthday below. You can hear his birthday is December 18, 1987. Now his age is 35 years old. She was born in Los Angeles, California, United States.
Lyrica Anderson Height, Weight and Other Information
Some fans like to know the physical status of their favorite celebrities. Following the physique and style of favorite celebrities is a big hobby for many of us. We can feel it. She is almost 1.70m. She currently weighs 67 kg. The weight can be changed regularly, here we added the latest value.
Lyrica Anderson boyfriend and marital status
Is Lyrica Anderson married or single? Some of his personal life information has been described here to quench your quest. In this section below we have added marital status and business, hobbies and more. This part is about his favorite things like his favorite personality, activity, etc. Check the table below to know the marital life of your favorite person.
Lyrica Anderson Net worth and Salary
Are you curious about the net worth of Lyrica Anderson? What about his income? It is common for salary and assets to change over time. In the next section, you will get detailed information about his salary, net worth, and assets. In this section you will read all the controversies of her. The total net worth of Lyrica Anderson is $10 million.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Lyrica Anderson’s job?
She is a singer and composer.
- How tall is Lyrica Anderson?
She is 1.70m tall.
- Where is Lyrica Anderson’s birthplace?
Lyrica Anderson’s birthplace is Los Angeles, California, United States.
- What is Lyrica Anderson net worth?
Net worth is $10 million.
- What is Lyrica Anderson’s birthday?
Lyrica Anderson’s date of birth is December 18, 1987.
It all depends on Lyrica Anderson’s height, age, weight and biography. All of this information will help you get to know the person. Is all the information correct? you can share your opinion through the feedback form. We are waiting for you.