Are you a Kailani Merizalde Knapp follower? She is currently an emerging student. Here we have covered his biography. If you are curious about Kailani Merizalde Knapp, you have come to the right place. Here we have discussed Kailani Merizalde Knapp’s net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s move on to the next section.

Kailani Merizalde Wiki Knapp
The real name of this student is Kailani Merizalde Knapp. His nickname is Kai Knapp. According to her place of birth, she is American by birth. The name of his hometown is Los Angeles, United States. In the following table you will get more information.
Full name / Birth name | Kailani Merizalde Knapp |
Known as | Kai knapp |
Genre | Female |
Job | Raised |
Nationality | American |
Place of birth | Los Angeles, United States |
Birthday | 1-Jul-11 |
Age | 10 years |
Zodiac | Cancer |
Religion | Christian |
Eye colors | Blue |
Hair color | Dark brown |
Heights | In Centimeters 132cm In feet and inches 4 4 |
Weight | In Kilograms 26 Kg In pounds 57lbs |
School | Home school, Wild wood school |
Name of the university | We will update it soon |
Parents | Father Ryan Phillippe Mother Alexis Knapp |
Brother sister | 2 |
Marital status | Only |
Business | No data available |
Joint | No |
Children | No |
Net value | $ 20,000 |
Kailani Merizalde Knapp Age and place of birth
You must have an idea of how old Kailani Merizalde Knapp is! If not, then nothing to fear about it. We have described his birthday, birthplace, and other related things here. The date of birth is 1-Jul-11. Currently, Kailani Merizalde Knapp is 10 years old. According to our research, she was born in Los Angeles, United States.
- Born in : Los Angeles, United States
- Birthday : 1-Jul-11
- Age : 10 years
- Zodiac: Cancer
Kailani Merizalde Knapp Height, weight and other information
Many followers are still trying to learn about the physique of their favorite celebrities. The beauty of physical statistics, their height, weight, eye color has always followed others. We are aware of this. Kai Knapp’s height is In Centimeters 132cm, In Feet and Inches 4 4. The weight of this person is in kilograms 26 kg, in pounds 57 lb. As the weight changes regularly, we put the current value.
- Height : In Centimeters 132cm, In Feet and Inches 4 4
- Weight (s): In kilograms 26 kg, in pounds 57 lb
- Eye colors: Blue
- Hair color : Dark brown
Kailani Merizalde Knapp Personal life and boyfriend
Is Kailani Merizalde Knapp married or single? We are going to provide here some of his personal information which might be your point of curiosity. Marital status, business, leisure and other information has been added here. Here, we’ll share some information about her favorite things and personalities. According to our research and data, she is single
- Parent: Father Ryan Phillippe
Mother Alexis Knapp - Brother and sister : 2
- Name of the school : Home school, Wild wood school
- The school: Home school, Wild wood school
- Name of the university : We will update it soon
- Business: No data available
- Marital status : Only
- In connection with : No
- Children: No

Kailani Merizalde Knapp Net worth and salary
What is Kailani Merizalde Knapp’s net worth? What is his salary? It is worth noting that net worth and salary change over time. We have added controversies in this section. Kailani Merizalde Knapp’s net worth is $ 20,000.
Here’s all about Kailani Merizalde Knapp’s net worth, bio, height, weight, and other info. We think this information will help you get to know it. There may be some wrong information, if you find something like this you can share your opinion through the comments form. We are waiting for you.