Jerry Sheindlin Net worth, Age: Weight, Kids, Wife, Bio-Wiki

Have you heard the name Jerry Sheindlin? It is quite popular for young people at this time. We write all the details about this author, television personality, jurist and lawyer. If you want to know more about Gerald Sheindlin, we have good news for you. Scroll down the section below, you will get Gerald Sheindlin’s Age, Net worth, Height, Affairs, Education and many more. Let’s move on to the next section.

Jerry Sheindlin Height
Jerry Sheindlin Height

Biography of Gerald Sheindlin

The real name of this author, television personality, jurist and lawyer is Gerald Sheindlin. He also has a nickname and it’s Jerry Sheindlin. He is american. The name of his hometown in New York, United States. Let’s scroll through the table below.

Birth nameGerald Sheindlin
Stage nameJerry Sheinlin
Man WomanMan
main occupationAuthor, Television personality, Jurist, Lawyer
Place of birthNew York, United States
Date of BirthNovember 13, 1933
Age as in 202288 years old
Height(s) Feet5 feet and 8 inches
Heights in cm173cm
Weight(s)63 kilograms
weight in pounds138 pounds
Meeting withTo update
Marital statusMarried
JointJudy Sheindlin (m. 1991), Judy Sheindlin (m. 1977-1990)
ChildrenNicole Sheindlin, Gregory Sheindlin, Jonathan Sheindlin
RevenueIn the study
Net worth$550 million
photo of jerry sheindlin
Photo by Jerry Scheindlin

Gerald Sheindlin Age and place of birth

Are you curious about Gerald Sheindlin’s age? Birthday and information like place of birth, hometown, etc. were concentrated here. You can hear his birthday is November 13, 1933. Current age is 88. He was born in New York, United States.

Jerry Sheindlin Height, Weight and Other Information

Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and physical shape. A celebrity can set a trend through hairstyle, dress, makeup, and even height, weight, eye color. We can feel it. He’s almost 1.73m. The weight of this person is 63 kg. The weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight.

Jerry Sheindlin Marital Status and Affairs

Do you know Gerald Sheindlin’s marital status? Here we are going to provide some of his personal life information which might be your point of curiosity. To give an idea of ​​his marital status, business, hobbies and many other things, we have decorated this section. In this section we have added all his favorite personalities, things and other related information. Consult the table to know the marital life of your favorite person.

Jerry Sheindlin age
Jerry Sheindlin age

Jerry Sheindlin net worth and earnings

Do you know the net worth of Jerry Sheindlin? How much money does he earn? We all know that a person’s salary and assets change from time to time. To learn more about his net worth and salary, follow the table. Some controversies about him are found which are also added below. Jerry Sheindlin’s total net worth is $550 million.

Common question from Jerry Sheindlin

  1. What is Jerry Sheindlin’s net worth?

    The net worth is $550 million.

  2. Where is Jerry Sheindlin’s birthplace?

    Jerry Sheindlin’s birthplace is New York, United States.

  3. Is Jerry Sheindlin married?

    He is married.

  4. What is Jerry Sheindlin’s birthday?

    Jerry Sheindlin was born on November 13, 1933.

  5. How old is Jerry Sheindlin?

    Gerald Sheindlin’s age is 88.

It all depends on the age, height, weight and biography of Gerald Sheindlin. With all this information, you can know this person. If you found anything wrong, you can contact us through our feedback form. We are waiting for your opinion.

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