Who is Allison Fluke-Ekren? Wiki, Bio, Age, Accused, planning attack on US college

Allison Fluke-Ekren Overbrook Ks is a reputation of a lady aged 42 from Kansas who was arrested for having a stable alliance with terrorism.

Allison has been charged with a number of prison offenses inside and out of doors the United States.

These claimed operations embrace planning and recruiting operatives for a future assault on a school campus within the United States.

It is an ISIS army battalion that skilled ladies in automated hearth AK-47 assault weapons, grenades, and suicide belts.

Allison can also be accused of serving to ISIS and ISIS activists with providers.

The providers concerned lodging, translating ISIS leaders’ speeches, coaching minors to make use of AK-47 assault rifles and suicide belts, and educating hardline ISIS theology.

Allison Fluke-Ekren Overbrook Ks faith is Muslim, in response to numerous sources.

At the identical time, jihadis becoming a member of the militants are both Muslims or transformed into Muslims earlier than becoming a member of the group.

Overbrook was beforehand apprehended in Syria and transferred to the FBI’s custody on 28 January.

She was transported to the Eastern District of Virginia for the primary time.

Her first courtroom look is scheduled for Monday at 2:00 pm on the federal courtroom in Alexandria.

The lawsuit recounts the six eyewitness people who collectively witnessed Allison Fluke-Ekren terrorist actions from no less than 2014 to round 2017.

Overbrook is accused of telling a witness about her want to assault the United States.

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