Actor Sooraj Pancholi, accused of encouraging the suicide of actor and model Jiah Khan, was acquitted on Friday by a special court of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for lack of evidence. Sooraj, the son of actor couple Aditya Pancholi and veteran actress Zarina Wahab, was in court with his mother.
VIDEO | Film star Sooraj Pancholi reaches the CBI Special Court in Mumbai ahead of the expected verdict in the 2013 suicide case of his girlfriend and Bollywood actor Jiah Khan.
– Tap Trust of India (@PTI_News) April 28, 2023
Who is Sooraj Pancholi?
Sooraj Pancholi is an Indian film actor who made his Bollywood debut with the movie “Hero” in 2015. Born on November 9, 1990, Sooraj Pancholi is the son of Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, two well-known actors from the Indian film industry.
Since his debut, Sooraj Pancholi has received a lot of media attention, both for his acting career and his personal life. In this article, we will take a close look at who Sooraj Pancholi is, his background, career and personal life.
Early life and background
Sooraj Pancholi was born and raised in Mumbai, India. Her father, Aditya Pancholi, is a well-known Bollywood actor who has acted in over 100 films, while her mother, Zarina Wahab, is also an actress who has worked in both Bollywood and regional films.
Sooraj Pancholi completed his education at Pali Hill School in Mumbai and later attended Bombay Scottish School. He then studied acting and film in Los Angeles, California before returning to India to pursue an acting career.
Sooraj Pancholi made his Bollywood debut with the movie “Hero” in 2015, a remake of the 1983 movie of the same name. The movie was produced by Salman Khan and directed by Nikkhil Advani.
In the film, Sooraj Pancholi plays the lead role of Sooraj Kaushik, a gangster who falls in love with a girl from a wealthy family. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the film was a commercial success and helped make Sooraj Pancholi a rising star in Bollywood.
Since his debut, Sooraj Pancholi has appeared in several other films, including “Satellite Shankar” and “Time to Dance”. However, he has yet to be able to replicate the success of his first film.