Who is Tiffany Marie Weimer? Wiki, Biography, Age, Missing, Last Seen

Tiffany Marie Weimer

Tiffany Marie Weimer Wiki – Biography of Tiffany Marie Weimer

Tiffany Marie Weimer is a 25 year old woman who was last seen Saturday October 2 on Dawson Street. The Wilmington Police Department is asking the public for help in locating a missing Weimer.


She is 25 years old.


According to WPD, Weimer is frequently found in bookstores and cafes, especially the Dunkin near Market Street and New Center Drive.

Police believe she is traveling on foot or in a 2008 Dodge Caliber. Weimer is 5′7 ′ ‘and weighs 140 pounds. She has brown hair and gray eyes.

If you see it, please dial 911. Anyone with information is encouraged to dial (910) 343-3609.

No further details are available.

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