Who is Labrecia Dews? Wiki, Biography, Age, Killed in Grove Street Shooting

Labrecia Dews Wiki – Labrecia Dews Biography

Labrecia Dews was shot dead in a shooting at 1124 Grove Street at 11 p.m. Saturday. Chattanooga police responded to multiple bullets just before 11 p.m. Saturday. Upon arrival, officers located six gunshot victims. Two of these victims, Labrecia Dews and Keniqua Hughes, were found dead at the scene.


She was 37 years old.

Facts you should know about Labrecia Dews

Chattanooga Police said two people were killed and five others injured in a shooting on Grove Street on Saturday night.

CPD says Dews, 37, and Keniqua Hughes, 21, were killed. The victims vary in age.

Police say the youngest victim is just 14 years old. Upon arrival, the CPD said officers had located six gunshot victims, two of whom had already died.

Police said they rescued victims until Hamilton County EMS arrived at the scene. Hamilton County EMS transported four of the victims to a local hospital.

Right now, they say all the casualties are stable. CPS says another victim with non-life-threatening gunshot wounds left the scene before police arrived and was taken to hospital in a personal vehicle.

Investigators from the Violent Crime Unit responded to investigate and gather potential evidence at the scene. However, Chattanooga Police said the suspect (s) fled the area before police arrived. Police are not disclosing any suspicious details to disclose at this time.

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